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Sunday, March 4, 2018


Formerly Doctors would say there is no cure for Diabetes, Hi-Blood, Arthritis, etc. The patients with such conditions would be hooked up for life with Maintenance Drugs which eventually may Damage their internal organs. Now doctors have created a solution for all types of diseases by educating the immune system to fight any disease. known to them as Transfer Factor. 

What are transfer factors?

Unlike common supplements you find in every health food store, transfer factors aren’t vitamins, minerals, or herbs (substances that add nutrients to your body).

Instead, they’re molecules that transfer immune memory and knowledge from one entity to another, and are part of a ground-breaking approach to immune system support.

Transfer factors are some of the most unique molecules in your body. They carry important messages to immune cells. Transfer factors help the immune system to;

1. Recognize. Transfer factors help immune cells quickly identify invading threats.

2. Respond. Transfer factors help speed up the immune system’s response to a potential threat after it’s been identified.

3. Remember. Transfer factors lend a hand in remembering the specific makeup of the threats your immune system encounters, so the next time it’s encountered, your body knows exactly what it is and how to combat it.

For more information and to learn more about 4Life Transfer Factor please send email or message.

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